Nonviolent Communication Coaching

Marco offers your heart and ears to listen deeply and accompany you in the change you seek in your life, within yourself, in your emotional and professional relationships, and in your action to make the world a place more aligned with your deepest values!

Whether you need listening or nurturing growth and understanding, we can create together what works best for your personal quest.

With clarity of needs at stake, I can offer you empathic listening sessions, in a calm, safe, non-judgmental, confidential space, online or in-person (depending on distance or if you can come to me).

Or I can offer you support that includes working on specific aspects more in a ‘coaching’ mode, to prepare you together to live and integrate nonviolent communication in whatever context of tension or evolution you find yourself in.

I have worked for a number of years, not only with many of the Center for Nonviolent Communication’s trainers, but also directly with Marshall Rosenberg, the originator of this approach, and I can accompany those who wish to deepen their knowledge, also possibly with a view to CNCV certification.

On Zoom (I’ll send you a link) or in person, for an hour, a day, or several days.

I work in the gift economy, in an approach of financial co-responsibility: I don’t want money to be a hindrance, and at the same time I really have a great need to support myself through the medium of money. I can explain more of what it entails in our initial “getting to know each other” meeting on Zoom.

In this case, by meeting to understand together what needs are at stake and what approaches are desired, whether it be a single hour of listening, or a larger, ongoing project, we will define together the maximum monetary contribution that you can offer me without unsustainable effort for you and without resentment, which is also a contribution that allows me to continue to offer this space to the world, and nourish my monetary needs, which I deliberately keep low!

I offer my services in Italian, English, French, Spanish! Soon also in German.

Je propose mes services en italien, anglais, français, espagnol ! Bientôt aussi en allemand.

Ofrezco mis servicios en italiano, inglés, francés y español. Pronto también en alemán.

Ich biete meine Dienste auf Italienisch, Englisch, Französisch und Spanisch an! Bald auch auf Deutsch.